Created by Freda Dillard
DFW Historical Tours
All rights reserved.
Updated August 8, 2017
DFW Historical Tours
Freda Dillard, Owner
Phone:  214-676-1510
Hello! My name is Freda Dillard and I am the owner of DFW Historical
Tours. I was born in Dallas and, except for my high school years, I have
lived in Dallas County all my life. Through the course of my life, I have
learned much of the history of this by hearing the stories of others or
seeing it for myself. However, my fascination with my hometown goes
way beyond that. I wanted to know how Dallas was borne, who were the
people that helped build this city and what continues to make it - in my
opinion of course - the best city in the world.

Unfortunately, one of the events that Dallas is better known for is the
assassination of John F. Kennedy. I was just a few weeks away from my
fifth birthday so I really don't remember much of that day, but my dad
retired from the Dallas Police Department in 1989, after 30 years of
service, and was involved in some of the events that transpired following
the assassination. Through him and others I have had the privilege to
know and learn from - eyewitnesses, other police officers, investigators
and other noted historians - I have acquired a knowledge of the JFK
Assassination that I love sharing with others.

Thus, a tour is born...or, should I say, one of my tours.

There is also the story of Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow. Interestingly,
three generations of my family have had some connection to this infamous
couple. In 1934, my grandparents met them down in the Trinity River
Bottoms and exchanged pleasantries. In 1967, my dad appeared as an
extra in the movie "Bonnie and Clyde." And then there is me...... I am
personally acquainted with descendants of several of the players in this
story, including Bonnie and Clyde, have worked extensively with other
historians and have assisted in the operation of the Bonnie & Clyde
Ambush Museum in Gibsland Louisiana.

Once you experience these tours, I am sure you will want to see more. In
addition to these tours, I will proudly show you Dallas as it is and also as
it once was on my "Dallas - Then and Now" tour.

If you would like see where it is said the West begins, I can take you to
Ft. Worth. You can experience the Historic Ft. Worth Stockyards, as well
as beautiful western art and so much more. If you would like to see a
rodeo on Friday or Saturday evening, that can be arranged also.

Are you a "Dallas" fan?  Let me take you to the famous Southfork Ranch
where you can see where J.R., Bobby, Miss Ellie, Jock, Sue Ellen,
Pam came to life on tv, as well as the more recent characters of Christopher,
John Ross, Elena and Rebecca.